Lots Of Changes – But Getting Back to Weave Deck; Finally.

My life has taken a series of major twists and turns in the last few years—from making the awful decision to close Weave Deck down (due to financial reasons) to concentrate on my (then) husband’s business, to moving countries (for my husband’s work), to understanding that my marriage was in fact over, to moving back to Portugal, to moving locations not once, but three times, and now finally, after what has felt like years of upheaval, to finding some peace and a sense of base from which I can rebuild my life.

And the thing I missed the most? My ability to have a place where I can create, weave, felt, and do fibre things.

I LOVE Weave Deck—and all that it stands for. Weaving and fibre art are connected so deeply within my heart. Weave Deck symbolizes my understanding of how we (I) can find peace in this, at times, tumultuous world. Weaving does that for me. It is a quick, easy, and fun way into the present moment and into that sense of wellbeing and peace within.

That I even considered stopping it is almost incredulous to me now.

I am back. Weave Deck is back.

And the news?

I am currently in the process of building my own studio where I will again make videos, create art, and run workshops.

Watch this space!

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